Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Let It Snow!

Our Preschoolers were excited to play in the snow!  It might be a white Christmas after all!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Paper Chain Factory!

The Blue Room children loved making a red and green paper chain!  Through teamwork the children were able to create a red and green paper chain 186 chains long!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Gobble Wobble 2014

Congratulations to our preschoolers past and present who participated in the Gobble Wobble today!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Feasts 2014

Our preschoolers enjoyed celebrating Thanksgiving with their preschool friends.  The children enjoyed turkey, fruit salad salsa, popcorn, and craisins at the feast.  We are truly grateful for our wonderful preschoolers.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

I Am Thankful Tree

Our preschoolers have been busy preparing for our Thanksgiving Feast.  We have decorated prayer placemats, made crowns, and painted beautiful Thanksgiving trees.  Many children are thankful for their parents, siblings, grandparents, and even Mac and Cheese!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Press Here!

Our Stay, Play, and Learn class has enjoyed activities around the creative book Press Here by Herve Tullet.  Our children used their imagination to create art using large and small red, blue, and yellow circles.  The Press Here App was colorful and fun.  The children look turns playing "Memory" on our classroom iPads.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Digging for Slugs

Fall is a great time to dig for slugs in the garden.  The preschoolers were surprised to find slugs under the mulch in our playground.  Most of the children enjoyed picking up the slimy mollusks.  We noticed the slugs shared their living space with worms, ants, and centipedes.

Here are some fun facts about slugs:

- There are 30 different species of slugs.

- One regular gray garden slug, can lay 400 eggs a year.  Oh my!

- a slugs blood is green!

Mrs. Stucker overheard one girl say "I won't touch a slug.....only worms!"


Our preschoolers love picking apples off our apple trees that surround our preschool playground.